CSR's Role In Preserving Cultural Heritages in India
The idea that Corporate social responsibility concentrates goes beyond profit in terms of social obligations. But one might wonder what Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is? So in essential words, it is a tool for making profits from sustainable heritage conservation goals. There are quite a few benefits from the private sector being involved in Heritage Conservation.
...Importance of Cultural Heritage and Its Conservation
Cultural heritage means the lifestyle of individuals or groups of society expressed in language, art, artefacts, and their traits passed on from generation to generation. It explains ancestors, what they believed in, and how they lived. It can be tangible or intangible. Tangible cultural heritage means the things which one can store and touch physically. It includes clothing, m
...The Bateshwar group of temples
The Bateshwar group of temples (or Batesara, Bateśvar,) located in Padavali village of Morena district of Madhya Pradesh, earlier known as Dharon or Paravali, later Padavali was built by Gurjara- Prathihara dynasty, who considered themselves as suryavanshis & are said to be the descendants of Lakshman from the epic Ramayana. Built between 8-11th centuries AD, in the post gupta period, a total
Ministry of Culture invites applications in the prescribed format under the said Scheme for the year 2021-22 from voluntary organizations registered under the Societies Registration Act (XXI of 1860) or similar Acts. The Organization against which previous grant/ Utilization Certificate under this scheme is pending will not be considered for fresh grant. The application in the prescribed form